ProjectGaussians =================================== .. currentmodule:: gsplat Given 3D gaussians parametrized by means :math:`μ`, covariances :math:`Σ`, colors :math:`c`, and opacities :math:`o`, the :func:`gsplat.project_gaussians` function computes the projected 2D gaussians in the camera frame with means :math:`μ'`, covariances :math:`Σ'`, and depths :math:`z` as well as their maximum radii in screen space and conic parameters. Note, covariances are reparametrized by the eigen decomposition: .. math:: Σ = RSS^{T}R^{T} Where rotation matrices :math:`R` are obtained from four dimensional quaternions. The projection of 3D Gaussians is approximated with the Jacobian of the perspective projection equation as shown in :cite:p:`zwicker2002ewa`: .. math:: J = \begin{bmatrix} f_{x}/t_{z} & 0 & -f_{x} t_{x}/t_{z}^{2} \\ 0 & f_{y}/t_{z} & -f_{y} t_{y}/t_{z}^{2} \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} Where :math:`t` is the center of a gaussian in camera frame :math:`t = Wμ+p`. The projected 2D covarience is then given by: .. math:: Σ' = J W Σ W^{⊤} J^{⊤} Citations ------------- .. bibliography:: :style: unsrt :filter: docname in docnames .. autofunction:: project_gaussians