Migrate from gsplat v0.1.11

v1.0.0 is a major release that includes a huge API change. So this document will help you to migrate to v0.1.11 from v1.0.0 and enjoys the latest and greatest. The APIs of v0.1.11 are available at here. Note you can still call the old APIs in v1.0.0 but they are deprecated and will be removed in the future.

Below we demonstrate the API changes on a couple of use cases.

Basic Usage

In v0.1.11, a basic rasterization workflow is:

from gsplat import project_gaussians, rasterize_gaussians

means2d, depths, radii, conics, _, num_tiles_hit, _ = project_gaussians(
    means3d=means, # [N, 3]
    scales=scales, # [N, 3]
    quats=quats, # [N, 4]
    viewmat=viewmat, # [4, 4]

renders, alphas = rasterize_gaussians(
    xys=means2d, # [N, 2]
    depths=depths, # [N, 1]
    radii=radii, # [N, 1]
    conics=conics, # [N, 3]
    colors=colors, # [N, 3]
    opacity=opacities, # [N, 1]
    background=background, # [3]

In v1.0.0, the equivalent code is:

from gsplat import rasterization

K = torch.tensor([[fx, 0, cx], [0, fy, cy], [0., 0., 1.]], device=device)
renders, alphas, meta = rasterization(
    means=means, # [N, 3]
    quats=quats, # [N, 4]
    scales=scales, # [N, 3]
    opacities=opacities.squeeze(-1), # [N]
    colors=colors, # [N, 3]
    viewmats=viewmat[None, ...], # [1, 4, 4]
    Ks=K[None, ...], # [1, 3, 3]
renders = renders[0]  # [height, width, 3]
alphas = alphas[0]  # [height, width]

# The intermediate results from fully_fused_projection can be accessed via meta, e.g.,
means2d = meta['means2d'][0]  # [N, 2]

Color as Spherical Harmonics

In v0.1.11, user needs to explicitly converting spherical harmonics coefficients to RGB, before passing it into rasterize_gaussians:

from gsplat import spherical_harmonics

sh_degree: int = ... # the amount of bands activated
sh_coeffs: Tensor = ... # [N, K, 3]

viewdirs = means - camtoworld[:3, 3] # [N, 3]
colors = spherical_harmonics(sh_degree, viewdirs, colors)  # [N, 3]

In v1.0.0, the SH to RGB conversion is handled automatically in rasterization(). The equivalent code is:

from gsplat import rasterization

sh_degree: int = ... # the amount of bands activated
sh_coeffs: Tensor = ... # [N, K, 3]

renders, alphas, meta = rasterization(
    colors=sh_coeffs, # [N, K, 3]

Depth Rendering

In v0.1.11, rendering the depth map could be achieved by passing the projected depths from project_gaussians to rasterize_gaussians:

from gsplat import project_gaussians, rasterize_gaussians

..., depths, ... = project_gaussians(...)

accumulated_depth, alphas = rasterize_gaussians(
    colors=depths, # [N, 1]
expected_depth = accumulated_depth / alphas.clamp_min(1e-10)

In v1.0.0, the depth rendering is simplified to a single argument. The equivalent code is:

from gsplat import rasterization

expected_depth, alphas, meta = rasterization(
    render_mode="ED", # render expected depth only

accumulated_depth, alphas, meta = rasterization(
    render_mode="D", # render accumulated depth only

rgbd, alphas, meta = rasterization(
    render_mode="RGB+ED", # render color with expected depth