import struct
from typing import Optional, Tuple
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor
from typing_extensions import Literal, assert_never
def _quat_to_rotmat(quats: Tensor) -> Tensor:
"""Convert quaternion to rotation matrix."""
quats = F.normalize(quats, p=2, dim=-1)
w, x, y, z = torch.unbind(quats, dim=-1)
R = torch.stack(
1 - 2 * (y**2 + z**2),
2 * (x * y - w * z),
2 * (x * z + w * y),
2 * (x * y + w * z),
1 - 2 * (x**2 + z**2),
2 * (y * z - w * x),
2 * (x * z - w * y),
2 * (y * z + w * x),
1 - 2 * (x**2 + y**2),
return R.reshape(quats.shape[:-1] + (3, 3))
def _quat_scale_to_matrix(
quats: Tensor, # [N, 4],
scales: Tensor, # [N, 3],
) -> Tensor:
"""Convert quaternion and scale to a 3x3 matrix (R * S)."""
R = _quat_to_rotmat(quats) # (..., 3, 3)
M = R * scales[..., None, :] # (..., 3, 3)
return M
def _quat_scale_to_covar_preci(
quats: Tensor, # [N, 4],
scales: Tensor, # [N, 3],
compute_covar: bool = True,
compute_preci: bool = True,
triu: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[Optional[Tensor], Optional[Tensor]]:
"""PyTorch implementation of `gsplat.cuda._wrapper.quat_scale_to_covar_preci()`."""
R = _quat_to_rotmat(quats) # (..., 3, 3)
if compute_covar:
M = R * scales[..., None, :] # (..., 3, 3)
covars = torch.bmm(M, M.transpose(-1, -2)) # (..., 3, 3)
if triu:
covars = covars.reshape(covars.shape[:-2] + (9,)) # (..., 9)
covars = (
covars[..., [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8]] + covars[..., [0, 3, 6, 4, 7, 8]]
) / 2.0 # (..., 6)
if compute_preci:
P = R * (1 / scales[..., None, :]) # (..., 3, 3)
precis = torch.bmm(P, P.transpose(-1, -2)) # (..., 3, 3)
if triu:
precis = precis.reshape(precis.shape[:-2] + (9,))
precis = (
precis[..., [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8]] + precis[..., [0, 3, 6, 4, 7, 8]]
) / 2.0
return covars if compute_covar else None, precis if compute_preci else None
def _persp_proj(
means: Tensor, # [C, N, 3]
covars: Tensor, # [C, N, 3, 3]
Ks: Tensor, # [C, 3, 3]
width: int,
height: int,
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
"""PyTorch implementation of perspective projection for 3D Gaussians.
means: Gaussian means in camera coordinate system. [C, N, 3].
covars: Gaussian covariances in camera coordinate system. [C, N, 3, 3].
Ks: Camera intrinsics. [C, 3, 3].
width: Image width.
height: Image height.
A tuple:
- **means2d**: Projected means. [C, N, 2].
- **cov2d**: Projected covariances. [C, N, 2, 2].
C, N, _ = means.shape
tx, ty, tz = torch.unbind(means, dim=-1) # [C, N]
tz2 = tz**2 # [C, N]
fx = Ks[..., 0, 0, None] # [C, 1]
fy = Ks[..., 1, 1, None] # [C, 1]
cx = Ks[..., 0, 2, None] # [C, 1]
cy = Ks[..., 1, 2, None] # [C, 1]
tan_fovx = 0.5 * width / fx # [C, 1]
tan_fovy = 0.5 * height / fy # [C, 1]
lim_x_pos = (width - cx) / fx + 0.3 * tan_fovx
lim_x_neg = cx / fx + 0.3 * tan_fovx
lim_y_pos = (height - cy) / fy + 0.3 * tan_fovy
lim_y_neg = cy / fy + 0.3 * tan_fovy
tx = tz * torch.clamp(tx / tz, min=-lim_x_neg, max=lim_x_pos)
ty = tz * torch.clamp(ty / tz, min=-lim_y_neg, max=lim_y_pos)
O = torch.zeros((C, N), device=means.device, dtype=means.dtype)
J = torch.stack(
[fx / tz, O, -fx * tx / tz2, O, fy / tz, -fy * ty / tz2], dim=-1
).reshape(C, N, 2, 3)
cov2d = torch.einsum("...ij,...jk,...kl->", J, covars, J.transpose(-1, -2))
means2d = torch.einsum("cij,cnj->cni", Ks[:, :2, :3], means) # [C, N, 2]
means2d = means2d / tz[..., None] # [C, N, 2]
return means2d, cov2d # [C, N, 2], [C, N, 2, 2]
def _fisheye_proj(
means: Tensor, # [C, N, 3]
covars: Tensor, # [C, N, 3, 3]
Ks: Tensor, # [C, 3, 3]
width: int,
height: int,
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
"""PyTorch implementation of fisheye projection for 3D Gaussians.
means: Gaussian means in camera coordinate system. [C, N, 3].
covars: Gaussian covariances in camera coordinate system. [C, N, 3, 3].
Ks: Camera intrinsics. [C, 3, 3].
width: Image width.
height: Image height.
A tuple:
- **means2d**: Projected means. [C, N, 2].
- **cov2d**: Projected covariances. [C, N, 2, 2].
C, N, _ = means.shape
x, y, z = torch.unbind(means, dim=-1) # [C, N]
fx = Ks[..., 0, 0, None] # [C, 1]
fy = Ks[..., 1, 1, None] # [C, 1]
cx = Ks[..., 0, 2, None] # [C, 1]
cy = Ks[..., 1, 2, None] # [C, 1]
eps = 0.0000001
xy_len = (x**2 + y**2) ** 0.5 + eps
theta = torch.atan2(xy_len, z + eps)
means2d = torch.stack(
x * fx * theta / xy_len + cx,
y * fy * theta / xy_len + cy,
x2 = x * x + eps
y2 = y * y
xy = x * y
x2y2 = x2 + y2
x2y2z2_inv = 1.0 / (x2y2 + z * z)
b = torch.atan2(xy_len, z) / xy_len / x2y2
a = z * x2y2z2_inv / (x2y2)
J = torch.stack(
fx * (x2 * a + y2 * b),
fx * xy * (a - b),
-fx * x * x2y2z2_inv,
fy * xy * (a - b),
fy * (y2 * a + x2 * b),
-fy * y * x2y2z2_inv,
).reshape(C, N, 2, 3)
cov2d = torch.einsum("...ij,...jk,...kl->", J, covars, J.transpose(-1, -2))
return means2d, cov2d # [C, N, 2], [C, N, 2, 2]
def _ortho_proj(
means: Tensor, # [C, N, 3]
covars: Tensor, # [C, N, 3, 3]
Ks: Tensor, # [C, 3, 3]
width: int,
height: int,
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
"""PyTorch implementation of orthographic projection for 3D Gaussians.
means: Gaussian means in camera coordinate system. [C, N, 3].
covars: Gaussian covariances in camera coordinate system. [C, N, 3, 3].
Ks: Camera intrinsics. [C, 3, 3].
width: Image width.
height: Image height.
A tuple:
- **means2d**: Projected means. [C, N, 2].
- **cov2d**: Projected covariances. [C, N, 2, 2].
C, N, _ = means.shape
fx = Ks[..., 0, 0, None] # [C, 1]
fy = Ks[..., 1, 1, None] # [C, 1]
O = torch.zeros((C, 1), device=means.device, dtype=means.dtype)
J = torch.stack([fx, O, O, O, fy, O], dim=-1).reshape(C, 1, 2, 3).repeat(1, N, 1, 1)
cov2d = torch.einsum("...ij,...jk,...kl->", J, covars, J.transpose(-1, -2))
means2d = (
means[..., :2] * Ks[:, None, [0, 1], [0, 1]] + Ks[:, None, [0, 1], [2, 2]]
) # [C, N, 2]
return means2d, cov2d # [C, N, 2], [C, N, 2, 2]
def _world_to_cam(
means: Tensor, # [N, 3]
covars: Tensor, # [N, 3, 3]
viewmats: Tensor, # [C, 4, 4]
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
"""PyTorch implementation of world to camera transformation on Gaussians.
means: Gaussian means in world coordinate system. [C, N, 3].
covars: Gaussian covariances in world coordinate system. [C, N, 3, 3].
viewmats: world to camera transformation matrices. [C, 4, 4].
A tuple:
- **means_c**: Gaussian means in camera coordinate system. [C, N, 3].
- **covars_c**: Gaussian covariances in camera coordinate system. [C, N, 3, 3].
R = viewmats[:, :3, :3] # [C, 3, 3]
t = viewmats[:, :3, 3] # [C, 3]
means_c = torch.einsum("cij,nj->cni", R, means) + t[:, None, :] # (C, N, 3)
covars_c = torch.einsum("cij,njk,clk->cnil", R, covars, R) # [C, N, 3, 3]
return means_c, covars_c
def _fully_fused_projection(
means: Tensor, # [N, 3]
covars: Tensor, # [N, 3, 3]
viewmats: Tensor, # [C, 4, 4]
Ks: Tensor, # [C, 3, 3]
width: int,
height: int,
eps2d: float = 0.3,
near_plane: float = 0.01,
far_plane: float = 1e10,
calc_compensations: bool = False,
camera_model: Literal["pinhole", "ortho", "fisheye"] = "pinhole",
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]:
"""PyTorch implementation of `gsplat.cuda._wrapper.fully_fused_projection()`
.. note::
This is a minimal implementation of fully fused version, which has more
arguments. Not all arguments are supported.
means_c, covars_c = _world_to_cam(means, covars, viewmats)
if camera_model == "ortho":
means2d, covars2d = _ortho_proj(means_c, covars_c, Ks, width, height)
elif camera_model == "fisheye":
means2d, covars2d = _fisheye_proj(means_c, covars_c, Ks, width, height)
elif camera_model == "pinhole":
means2d, covars2d = _persp_proj(means_c, covars_c, Ks, width, height)
det_orig = (
covars2d[..., 0, 0] * covars2d[..., 1, 1]
- covars2d[..., 0, 1] * covars2d[..., 1, 0]
covars2d = covars2d + torch.eye(2, device=means.device, dtype=means.dtype) * eps2d
det = (
covars2d[..., 0, 0] * covars2d[..., 1, 1]
- covars2d[..., 0, 1] * covars2d[..., 1, 0]
det = det.clamp(min=1e-10)
if calc_compensations:
compensations = torch.sqrt(torch.clamp(det_orig / det, min=0.0))
compensations = None
conics = torch.stack(
covars2d[..., 1, 1] / det,
-(covars2d[..., 0, 1] + covars2d[..., 1, 0]) / 2.0 / det,
covars2d[..., 0, 0] / det,
) # [C, N, 3]
depths = means_c[..., 2] # [C, N]
b = (covars2d[..., 0, 0] + covars2d[..., 1, 1]) / 2 # (...,)
tmp = torch.sqrt(torch.clamp(b**2 - det, min=0.01))
v1 = b + tmp # (...,)
r1 = 3.33 * torch.sqrt(v1)
radius_x = torch.ceil(torch.minimum(3.33 * torch.sqrt(covars2d[..., 0, 0]), r1))
radius_y = torch.ceil(torch.minimum(3.33 * torch.sqrt(covars2d[..., 1, 1]), r1))
radius = torch.stack([radius_x, radius_y], dim=-1) # (..., 2)
valid = (det > 0) & (depths > near_plane) & (depths < far_plane)
radius[~valid] = 0.0
inside = (
(means2d[..., 0] + radius[..., 0] > 0)
& (means2d[..., 0] - radius[..., 0] < width)
& (means2d[..., 1] + radius[..., 1] > 0)
& (means2d[..., 1] - radius[..., 1] < height)
radius[~inside] = 0.0
radii =
return radii, means2d, depths, conics, compensations
def _isect_tiles(
means2d: Tensor,
radii: Tensor,
depths: Tensor,
tile_size: int,
tile_width: int,
tile_height: int,
sort: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]:
"""Pytorch implementation of `gsplat.cuda._wrapper.isect_tiles()`.
.. note::
This is a minimal implementation of the fully fused version, which has more
arguments. Not all arguments are supported.
C, N = means2d.shape[:2]
device = means2d.device
# compute tiles_per_gauss
tile_means2d = means2d / tile_size
tile_radii = radii / tile_size
tile_mins = torch.floor(tile_means2d - tile_radii).int()
tile_maxs = torch.ceil(tile_means2d + tile_radii).int()
tile_mins[..., 0] = torch.clamp(tile_mins[..., 0], 0, tile_width)
tile_mins[..., 1] = torch.clamp(tile_mins[..., 1], 0, tile_height)
tile_maxs[..., 0] = torch.clamp(tile_maxs[..., 0], 0, tile_width)
tile_maxs[..., 1] = torch.clamp(tile_maxs[..., 1], 0, tile_height)
tiles_per_gauss = (tile_maxs - tile_mins).prod(dim=-1) # [C, N]
tiles_per_gauss *= (radii > 0.0).all(dim=-1)
n_isects = tiles_per_gauss.sum().item()
isect_ids = torch.empty(n_isects, dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
flatten_ids = torch.empty(n_isects, dtype=torch.int32, device=device)
cum_tiles_per_gauss = torch.cumsum(tiles_per_gauss.flatten(), dim=0)
tile_n_bits = (tile_width * tile_height).bit_length()
def binary(num):
return "".join("{:0>8b}".format(c) for c in struct.pack("!f", num))
def kernel(cam_id, gauss_id):
if radii[cam_id, gauss_id, 0] <= 0.0 or radii[cam_id, gauss_id, 1] <= 0.0:
index = cam_id * N + gauss_id
curr_idx = cum_tiles_per_gauss[index - 1] if index > 0 else 0
depth_id = struct.unpack("i", struct.pack("f", depths[cam_id, gauss_id]))[0]
tile_min = tile_mins[cam_id, gauss_id]
tile_max = tile_maxs[cam_id, gauss_id]
for y in range(tile_min[1], tile_max[1]):
for x in range(tile_min[0], tile_max[0]):
tile_id = y * tile_width + x
isect_ids[curr_idx] = (
(cam_id << 32 << tile_n_bits) | (tile_id << 32) | depth_id
flatten_ids[curr_idx] = index # flattened index
curr_idx += 1
for cam_id in range(C):
for gauss_id in range(N):
kernel(cam_id, gauss_id)
if sort:
isect_ids, sort_indices = torch.sort(isect_ids)
flatten_ids = flatten_ids[sort_indices]
return, isect_ids, flatten_ids
def _isect_offset_encode(
isect_ids: Tensor, C: int, tile_width: int, tile_height: int
) -> Tensor:
"""Pytorch implementation of `gsplat.cuda._wrapper.isect_offset_encode()`.
.. note::
This is a minimal implementation of the fully fused version, which has more
arguments. Not all arguments are supported.
tile_n_bits = (tile_width * tile_height).bit_length()
tile_counts = torch.zeros(
(C, tile_height, tile_width), dtype=torch.int64, device=isect_ids.device
isect_ids_uq, counts = torch.unique_consecutive(isect_ids >> 32, return_counts=True)
cam_ids_uq = isect_ids_uq >> tile_n_bits
tile_ids_uq = isect_ids_uq & ((1 << tile_n_bits) - 1)
tile_ids_x_uq = tile_ids_uq % tile_width
tile_ids_y_uq = tile_ids_uq // tile_width
tile_counts[cam_ids_uq, tile_ids_y_uq, tile_ids_x_uq] = counts
cum_tile_counts = torch.cumsum(tile_counts.flatten(), dim=0).reshape_as(tile_counts)
offsets = cum_tile_counts - tile_counts
def accumulate(
means2d: Tensor, # [C, N, 2]
conics: Tensor, # [C, N, 3]
opacities: Tensor, # [C, N]
colors: Tensor, # [C, N, channels]
gaussian_ids: Tensor, # [M]
pixel_ids: Tensor, # [M]
camera_ids: Tensor, # [M]
image_width: int,
image_height: int,
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
"""Alpah compositing of 2D Gaussians in Pure Pytorch.
This function performs alpha compositing for Gaussians based on the pair of indices
{gaussian_ids, pixel_ids, camera_ids}, which annotates the intersection between all
pixels and Gaussians. These intersections can be accquired from
.. note::
This function exposes the alpha compositing process into pure Pytorch.
So it relies on Pytorch's autograd for the backpropagation. It is much slower
than our fully fused rasterization implementation and comsumes much more GPU memory.
But it could serve as a playground for new ideas or debugging, as no backward
implementation is needed.
.. warning::
This function requires the `nerfacc` package to be installed. Please install it
using the following command `pip install nerfacc`.
means2d: Gaussian means in 2D. [C, N, 2]
conics: Inverse of the 2D Gaussian covariance, Only upper triangle values. [C, N, 3]
opacities: Per-view Gaussian opacities (for example, when antialiasing is
enabled, Gaussian in each view would efficiently have different opacity). [C, N]
colors: Per-view Gaussian colors. Supports N-D features. [C, N, channels]
gaussian_ids: Collection of Gaussian indices to be rasterized. A flattened list of shape [M].
pixel_ids: Collection of pixel indices (row-major) to be rasterized. A flattened list of shape [M].
camera_ids: Collection of camera indices to be rasterized. A flattened list of shape [M].
image_width: Image width.
image_height: Image height.
A tuple:
- **renders**: Accumulated colors. [C, image_height, image_width, channels]
- **alphas**: Accumulated opacities. [C, image_height, image_width, 1]
from nerfacc import accumulate_along_rays, render_weight_from_alpha
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Please install nerfacc package: pip install nerfacc")
C, N = means2d.shape[:2]
channels = colors.shape[-1]
pixel_ids_x = pixel_ids % image_width
pixel_ids_y = pixel_ids // image_width
pixel_coords = torch.stack([pixel_ids_x, pixel_ids_y], dim=-1) + 0.5 # [M, 2]
deltas = pixel_coords - means2d[camera_ids, gaussian_ids] # [M, 2]
c = conics[camera_ids, gaussian_ids] # [M, 3]
sigmas = (
0.5 * (c[:, 0] * deltas[:, 0] ** 2 + c[:, 2] * deltas[:, 1] ** 2)
+ c[:, 1] * deltas[:, 0] * deltas[:, 1]
) # [M]
alphas = torch.clamp_max(
opacities[camera_ids, gaussian_ids] * torch.exp(-sigmas), 0.999
indices = camera_ids * image_height * image_width + pixel_ids
total_pixels = C * image_height * image_width
weights, trans = render_weight_from_alpha(
alphas, ray_indices=indices, n_rays=total_pixels
renders = accumulate_along_rays(
colors[camera_ids, gaussian_ids],
).reshape(C, image_height, image_width, channels)
alphas = accumulate_along_rays(
weights, None, ray_indices=indices, n_rays=total_pixels
).reshape(C, image_height, image_width, 1)
return renders, alphas
def _rasterize_to_pixels(
means2d: Tensor, # [C, N, 2]
conics: Tensor, # [C, N, 3]
colors: Tensor, # [C, N, channels]
opacities: Tensor, # [C, N]
image_width: int,
image_height: int,
tile_size: int,
isect_offsets: Tensor, # [C, tile_height, tile_width]
flatten_ids: Tensor, # [n_isects]
backgrounds: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [C, channels]
batch_per_iter: int = 100,
"""Pytorch implementation of `gsplat.cuda._wrapper.rasterize_to_pixels()`.
This function rasterizes 2D Gaussians to pixels in a Pytorch-friendly way. It
iteratively accumulates the renderings within each batch of Gaussians. The
interations are controlled by `batch_per_iter`.
.. note::
This is a minimal implementation of the fully fused version, which has more
arguments. Not all arguments are supported.
.. note::
This function relies on Pytorch's autograd for the backpropagation. It is much slower
than our fully fused rasterization implementation and comsumes much more GPU memory.
But it could serve as a playground for new ideas or debugging, as no backward
implementation is needed.
.. warning::
This function requires the `nerfacc` package to be installed. Please install it
using the following command `pip install nerfacc`.
from ._wrapper import rasterize_to_indices_in_range
C, N = means2d.shape[:2]
n_isects = len(flatten_ids)
device = means2d.device
render_colors = torch.zeros(
(C, image_height, image_width, colors.shape[-1]), device=device
render_alphas = torch.zeros((C, image_height, image_width, 1), device=device)
# Split Gaussians into batches and iteratively accumulate the renderings
block_size = tile_size * tile_size
isect_offsets_fl =
[isect_offsets.flatten(), torch.tensor([n_isects], device=device)]
max_range = (isect_offsets_fl[1:] - isect_offsets_fl[:-1]).max().item()
num_batches = (max_range + block_size - 1) // block_size
for step in range(0, num_batches, batch_per_iter):
transmittances = 1.0 - render_alphas[..., 0]
# Find the M intersections between pixels and gaussians.
# Each intersection corresponds to a tuple (gs_id, pixel_id, camera_id)
gs_ids, pixel_ids, camera_ids = rasterize_to_indices_in_range(
step + batch_per_iter,
) # [M], [M]
if len(gs_ids) == 0:
# Accumulate the renderings within this batch of Gaussians.
renders_step, accs_step = accumulate(
render_colors = render_colors + renders_step * transmittances[..., None]
render_alphas = render_alphas + accs_step * transmittances[..., None]
render_alphas = render_alphas
if backgrounds is not None:
render_colors = render_colors + backgrounds[:, None, None, :] * (
1.0 - render_alphas
return render_colors, render_alphas
def _eval_sh_bases_fast(basis_dim: int, dirs: Tensor):
Evaluate spherical harmonics bases at unit direction for high orders
using approach described by
Efficient Spherical Harmonic Evaluation, Peter-Pike Sloan, JCGT 2013
:param basis_dim: int SH basis dim. Currently, only 1-25 square numbers supported
:param dirs: torch.Tensor (..., 3) unit directions
:return: torch.Tensor (..., basis_dim)
See reference C++ code in
result = torch.empty(
(*dirs.shape[:-1], basis_dim), dtype=dirs.dtype, device=dirs.device
result[..., 0] = 0.2820947917738781
if basis_dim <= 1:
return result
x, y, z = dirs.unbind(-1)
fTmpA = -0.48860251190292
result[..., 2] = -fTmpA * z
result[..., 3] = fTmpA * x
result[..., 1] = fTmpA * y
if basis_dim <= 4:
return result
z2 = z * z
fTmpB = -1.092548430592079 * z
fTmpA = 0.5462742152960395
fC1 = x * x - y * y
fS1 = 2 * x * y
result[..., 6] = 0.9461746957575601 * z2 - 0.3153915652525201
result[..., 7] = fTmpB * x
result[..., 5] = fTmpB * y
result[..., 8] = fTmpA * fC1
result[..., 4] = fTmpA * fS1
if basis_dim <= 9:
return result
fTmpC = -2.285228997322329 * z2 + 0.4570457994644658
fTmpB = 1.445305721320277 * z
fTmpA = -0.5900435899266435
fC2 = x * fC1 - y * fS1
fS2 = x * fS1 + y * fC1
result[..., 12] = z * (1.865881662950577 * z2 - 1.119528997770346)
result[..., 13] = fTmpC * x
result[..., 11] = fTmpC * y
result[..., 14] = fTmpB * fC1
result[..., 10] = fTmpB * fS1
result[..., 15] = fTmpA * fC2
result[..., 9] = fTmpA * fS2
if basis_dim <= 16:
return result
fTmpD = z * (-4.683325804901025 * z2 + 2.007139630671868)
fTmpC = 3.31161143515146 * z2 - 0.47308734787878
fTmpB = -1.770130769779931 * z
fTmpA = 0.6258357354491763
fC3 = x * fC2 - y * fS2
fS3 = x * fS2 + y * fC2
result[..., 20] = 1.984313483298443 * z2 * (
1.865881662950577 * z2 - 1.119528997770346
) + -1.006230589874905 * (0.9461746957575601 * z2 - 0.3153915652525201)
result[..., 21] = fTmpD * x
result[..., 19] = fTmpD * y
result[..., 22] = fTmpC * fC1
result[..., 18] = fTmpC * fS1
result[..., 23] = fTmpB * fC2
result[..., 17] = fTmpB * fS2
result[..., 24] = fTmpA * fC3
result[..., 16] = fTmpA * fS3
return result
def _spherical_harmonics(
degree: int,
dirs: torch.Tensor, # [..., 3]
coeffs: torch.Tensor, # [..., K, 3]
"""Pytorch implementation of `gsplat.cuda._wrapper.spherical_harmonics()`."""
dirs = F.normalize(dirs, p=2, dim=-1)
num_bases = (degree + 1) ** 2
bases = torch.zeros_like(coeffs[..., 0])
bases[..., :num_bases] = _eval_sh_bases_fast(num_bases, dirs)
return (bases[..., None] * coeffs).sum(dim=-2)