from typing import Optional, Tuple
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from gsplat.cuda._torch_impl import _quat_scale_to_matrix
def _fully_fused_projection_2dgs(
means: Tensor, # [N, 3]
quats: Tensor, # [N, 4]
scales: Tensor, # [N, 3]
viewmats: Tensor, # [C, 4, 4]
Ks: Tensor, # [C, 3, 3]
width: int,
height: int,
near_plane: float = 0.01,
far_plane: float = 1e10,
eps: float = 1e-6,
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]:
"""PyTorch implementation of `gsplat.cuda._wrapper.fully_fused_projection_2dgs()`
.. note::
This is a minimal implementation of fully fused version, which has more
arguments. Not all arguments are supported.
R_cw = viewmats[:, :3, :3] # [C, 3, 3]
t_cw = viewmats[:, :3, 3] # [C, 3]
means_c = torch.einsum("cij,nj->cni", R_cw, means) + t_cw[:, None, :] # (C, N, 3)
RS_wl = _quat_scale_to_matrix(quats, scales)
RS_cl = torch.einsum("cij,njk->cnik", R_cw, RS_wl) # [C, N, 3, 3]
# compute normals
normals = RS_cl[..., 2] # [C, N, 3]
C, N, _ = normals.shape
cos = -normals.reshape((C * N, 1, 3)) @ means_c.reshape((C * N, 3, 1))
cos = cos.reshape((C, N, 1))
multiplier = torch.where(cos > 0, torch.tensor(1.0), torch.tensor(-1.0))
normals *= multiplier
# ray transform matrix, omitting the z rotation
T_cl =[RS_cl[..., :2], means_c[..., None]], dim=-1) # [C, N, 3, 3]
T_sl = torch.einsum("cij,cnjk->cnik", Ks[:, :3, :3], T_cl) # [C, N, 3, 3]
# in paper notation M = (WH)^T
# later h_u = M @ h_x, h_v = M @ h_y
M = torch.transpose(T_sl, -1, -2) # [C, N, 3, 3]
# compute the AABB of gaussian
test = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0, -1.0], device=means.device).reshape(1, 1, 3)
d = (M[..., 2] * M[..., 2] * test).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) # [C, N, 1]
valid = torch.abs(d) > eps
f = torch.where(valid, test / d, torch.zeros_like(test)).unsqueeze(
) # (C, N, 3, 1)
means2d = (M[..., :2] * M[..., 2:3] * f).sum(dim=-2) # [C, N, 2]
extents = torch.sqrt(
means2d**2 - (M[..., :2] * M[..., :2] * f).sum(dim=-2)
) # [C, N, 2]
depths = means_c[..., 2] # [C, N]
radius = torch.ceil(3.0 * torch.max(extents, dim=-1).values) # (C, N)
valid = valid.squeeze(-1) & (depths > near_plane) & (depths < far_plane)
radius[~valid] = 0.0
inside = (
(means2d[..., 0] + radius > 0)
& (means2d[..., 0] - radius < width)
& (means2d[..., 1] + radius > 0)
& (means2d[..., 1] - radius < height)
radius[~inside] = 0.0
radii =
return radii, means2d, depths, M, normals
def accumulate_2dgs(
means2d: Tensor, # [C, N, 2]
ray_transforms: Tensor, # [C, N, 3, 3]
opacities: Tensor, # [C, N]
colors: Tensor, # [C, N, channels]
normals: Tensor, # [C, N, 3]
gaussian_ids: Tensor, # [M]
pixel_ids: Tensor, # [M]
camera_ids: Tensor, # [M]
image_width: int,
image_height: int,
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]:
"""Alpha compositing for 2DGS.
.. warning::
This function requires the nerfacc package to be installed. Please install it using the following command pip install nerfacc.
means2d: Gaussian means in 2D. [C, N, 2]
ray_transforms: transformation matrices that transform rays in pixel space into splat's local frame. [C, N, 3, 3]
opacities: Per-view Gaussian opacities (for example, when antialiasing is enabled, Gaussian in
each view would efficiently have different opacity). [C, N]
colors: Per-view Gaussian colors. Supports N-D features. [C, N, channels]
normals: Per-view Gaussian normals. [C, N, 3]
gaussian_ids: Collection of Gaussian indices to be rasterized. A flattened list of shape [M].
pixel_ids: Collection of pixel indices (row-major) to be rasterized. A flattened list of shape [M].
camera_ids: Collection of camera indices to be rasterized. A flattened list of shape [M].
image_width: Image width.
image_height: Image height.
A tuple:
**renders**: Accumulated colors. [C, image_height, image_width, channels]
**alphas**: Accumulated opacities. [C, image_height, image_width, 1]
**normals**: Accumulated opacities. [C, image_height, image_width, 3]
from nerfacc import accumulate_along_rays, render_weight_from_alpha
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Please install nerfacc package: pip install nerfacc")
C, N = means2d.shape[:2]
channels = colors.shape[-1]
pixel_ids_x = pixel_ids % image_width + 0.5
pixel_ids_y = pixel_ids // image_width + 0.5
pixel_coords = torch.stack([pixel_ids_x, pixel_ids_y], dim=-1) # [M, 2]
deltas = pixel_coords - means2d[camera_ids, gaussian_ids] # [M, 2]
M = ray_transforms[camera_ids, gaussian_ids] # [M, 3, 3]
h_u = -M[..., 0, :3] + M[..., 2, :3] * pixel_ids_x[..., None] # [M, 3]
h_v = -M[..., 1, :3] + M[..., 2, :3] * pixel_ids_y[..., None] # [M, 3]
tmp = torch.cross(h_u, h_v, dim=-1)
us = tmp[..., 0] / tmp[..., 2]
vs = tmp[..., 1] / tmp[..., 2]
sigmas_3d = us**2 + vs**2 # [M]
sigmas_2d = 2 * (deltas[..., 0] ** 2 + deltas[..., 1] ** 2)
sigmas = 0.5 * torch.minimum(sigmas_3d, sigmas_2d) # [M]
alphas = torch.clamp_max(
opacities[camera_ids, gaussian_ids] * torch.exp(-sigmas), 0.999
indices = camera_ids * image_height * image_width + pixel_ids
total_pixels = C * image_height * image_width
weights, trans = render_weight_from_alpha(
alphas, ray_indices=indices, n_rays=total_pixels
renders = accumulate_along_rays(
colors[camera_ids, gaussian_ids],
).reshape(C, image_height, image_width, channels)
alphas = accumulate_along_rays(
weights, None, ray_indices=indices, n_rays=total_pixels
).reshape(C, image_height, image_width, 1)
renders_normal = accumulate_along_rays(
normals[camera_ids, gaussian_ids],
).reshape(C, image_height, image_width, 3)
return renders, alphas, renders_normal
def _rasterize_to_pixels_2dgs(
means2d: Tensor, # [C, N, 2]
ray_transforms: Tensor, # [C, N, 3, 3]
colors: Tensor, # [C, N, channels]
normals: Tensor, # [C, N, 3]
opacities: Tensor, # [C, N]
image_width: int,
image_height: int,
tile_size: int,
isect_offsets: Tensor, # [C, tile_height, tile_width]
flatten_ids: Tensor, # [n_isects]
backgrounds: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [C, channels]
batch_per_iter: int = 100,
"""Pytorch implementation of `gsplat.cuda._wrapper.rasterize_to_pixels_2dgs()`.
This function rasterizes 2D Gaussians to pixels in a Pytorch-friendly way. It
iteratively accumulates the renderings within each batch of Gaussians. The
interations are controlled by `batch_per_iter`.
.. note::
This is a minimal implementation of the fully fused version, which has more
arguments. Not all arguments are supported.
.. note::
This function relies on Pytorch's autograd for the backpropagation. It is much slower
than our fully fused rasterization implementation and comsumes much more GPU memory.
But it could serve as a playground for new ideas or debugging, as no backward
implementation is needed.
.. warning::
This function requires the `nerfacc` package to be installed. Please install it
using the following command `pip install nerfacc`.
from ._wrapper import rasterize_to_indices_in_range_2dgs
C, N = means2d.shape[:2]
n_isects = len(flatten_ids)
device = means2d.device
render_colors = torch.zeros(
(C, image_height, image_width, colors.shape[-1]), device=device
render_alphas = torch.zeros((C, image_height, image_width, 1), device=device)
render_normals = torch.zeros((C, image_height, image_width, 3), device=device)
# Split Gaussians into batches and iteratively accumulate the renderings
block_size = tile_size * tile_size
isect_offsets_fl =
[isect_offsets.flatten(), torch.tensor([n_isects], device=device)]
max_range = (isect_offsets_fl[1:] - isect_offsets_fl[:-1]).max().item()
num_batches = (max_range + block_size - 1) // block_size
for step in range(0, num_batches, batch_per_iter):
transmittances = 1.0 - render_alphas[..., 0]
# Find the M intersections between pixels and gaussians.
# Each intersection corresponds to a tuple (gs_id, pixel_id, camera_id)
gs_ids, pixel_ids, camera_ids = rasterize_to_indices_in_range_2dgs(
step + batch_per_iter,
) # [M], [M]
if len(gs_ids) == 0:
# Accumulate the renderings within this batch of Gaussians.
renders_step, accs_step, renders_normal_step = accumulate_2dgs(
render_colors = render_colors + renders_step * transmittances[..., None]
render_alphas = render_alphas + accs_step * transmittances[..., None]
render_normals = (
render_normals + renders_normal_step * transmittances[..., None]
render_alphas = render_alphas
if backgrounds is not None:
render_colors = render_colors + backgrounds[:, None, None, :] * (
1.0 - render_alphas
return render_colors, render_alphas, render_normals