Source code for gsplat.strategy.default

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, Union

import torch

from .base import Strategy
from .ops import duplicate, remove, reset_opa, split
from typing_extensions import Literal

[docs] @dataclass class DefaultStrategy(Strategy): """A default strategy that follows the original 3DGS paper: `3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering <>`_ The strategy will: - Periodically duplicate GSs with high image plane gradients and small scales. - Periodically split GSs with high image plane gradients and large scales. - Periodically prune GSs with low opacity. - Periodically reset GSs to a lower opacity. If `absgrad=True`, it will use the absolute gradients instead of average gradients for GS duplicating & splitting, following the AbsGS paper: `AbsGS: Recovering Fine Details for 3D Gaussian Splatting <>`_ Which typically leads to better results but requires to set the `grow_grad2d` to a higher value, e.g., 0.0008. Also, the :func:`rasterization` function should be called with `absgrad=True` as well so that the absolute gradients are computed. Args: prune_opa (float): GSs with opacity below this value will be pruned. Default is 0.005. grow_grad2d (float): GSs with image plane gradient above this value will be split/duplicated. Default is 0.0002. grow_scale3d (float): GSs with 3d scale (normalized by scene_scale) below this value will be duplicated. Above will be split. Default is 0.01. grow_scale2d (float): GSs with 2d scale (normalized by image resolution) above this value will be split. Default is 0.05. prune_scale3d (float): GSs with 3d scale (normalized by scene_scale) above this value will be pruned. Default is 0.1. prune_scale2d (float): GSs with 2d scale (normalized by image resolution) above this value will be pruned. Default is 0.15. refine_scale2d_stop_iter (int): Stop refining GSs based on 2d scale after this iteration. Default is 0. Set to a positive value to enable this feature. refine_start_iter (int): Start refining GSs after this iteration. Default is 500. refine_stop_iter (int): Stop refining GSs after this iteration. Default is 15_000. reset_every (int): Reset opacities every this steps. Default is 3000. refine_every (int): Refine GSs every this steps. Default is 100. pause_refine_after_reset (int): Pause refining GSs until this number of steps after reset, Default is 0 (no pause at all) and one might want to set this number to the number of images in training set. absgrad (bool): Use absolute gradients for GS splitting. Default is False. revised_opacity (bool): Whether to use revised opacity heuristic from arXiv:2404.06109 (experimental). Default is False. verbose (bool): Whether to print verbose information. Default is False. key_for_gradient (str): Which variable uses for densification strategy. 3DGS uses "means2d" gradient and 2DGS uses a similar gradient which stores in variable "gradient_2dgs". Examples: >>> from gsplat import DefaultStrategy, rasterization >>> params: Dict[str, torch.nn.Parameter] | torch.nn.ParameterDict = ... >>> optimizers: Dict[str, torch.optim.Optimizer] = ... >>> strategy = DefaultStrategy() >>> strategy.check_sanity(params, optimizers) >>> strategy_state = strategy.initialize_state() >>> for step in range(1000): ... render_image, render_alpha, info = rasterization(...) ... strategy.step_pre_backward(params, optimizers, strategy_state, step, info) ... loss = ... ... loss.backward() ... strategy.step_post_backward(params, optimizers, strategy_state, step, info) """ prune_opa: float = 0.005 grow_grad2d: float = 0.0002 grow_scale3d: float = 0.01 grow_scale2d: float = 0.05 prune_scale3d: float = 0.1 prune_scale2d: float = 0.15 refine_scale2d_stop_iter: int = 0 refine_start_iter: int = 500 refine_stop_iter: int = 15_000 reset_every: int = 3000 refine_every: int = 100 pause_refine_after_reset: int = 0 absgrad: bool = False revised_opacity: bool = False verbose: bool = False key_for_gradient: Literal["means2d", "gradient_2dgs"] = "means2d"
[docs] def initialize_state(self, scene_scale: float = 1.0) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Initialize and return the running state for this strategy. The returned state should be passed to the `step_pre_backward()` and `step_post_backward()` functions. """ # Postpone the initialization of the state to the first step so that we can # put them on the correct device. # - grad2d: running accum of the norm of the image plane gradients for each GS. # - count: running accum of how many time each GS is visible. # - radii: the radii of the GSs (normalized by the image resolution). state = {"grad2d": None, "count": None, "scene_scale": scene_scale} if self.refine_scale2d_stop_iter > 0: state["radii"] = None return state
[docs] def check_sanity( self, params: Union[Dict[str, torch.nn.Parameter], torch.nn.ParameterDict], optimizers: Dict[str, torch.optim.Optimizer], ): """Sanity check for the parameters and optimizers. Check if: * `params` and `optimizers` have the same keys. * Each optimizer has exactly one param_group, corresponding to each parameter. * The following keys are present: {"means", "scales", "quats", "opacities"}. Raises: AssertionError: If any of the above conditions is not met. .. note:: It is not required but highly recommended for the user to call this function after initializing the strategy to ensure the convention of the parameters and optimizers is as expected. """ super().check_sanity(params, optimizers) # The following keys are required for this strategy. for key in ["means", "scales", "quats", "opacities"]: assert key in params, f"{key} is required in params but missing."
[docs] def step_pre_backward( self, params: Union[Dict[str, torch.nn.Parameter], torch.nn.ParameterDict], optimizers: Dict[str, torch.optim.Optimizer], state: Dict[str, Any], step: int, info: Dict[str, Any], ): """Callback function to be executed before the `loss.backward()` call.""" assert ( self.key_for_gradient in info ), "The 2D means of the Gaussians is required but missing." info[self.key_for_gradient].retain_grad()
[docs] def step_post_backward( self, params: Union[Dict[str, torch.nn.Parameter], torch.nn.ParameterDict], optimizers: Dict[str, torch.optim.Optimizer], state: Dict[str, Any], step: int, info: Dict[str, Any], packed: bool = False, ): """Callback function to be executed after the `loss.backward()` call.""" if step >= self.refine_stop_iter: return self._update_state(params, state, info, packed=packed) if ( step > self.refine_start_iter and step % self.refine_every == 0 and step % self.reset_every >= self.pause_refine_after_reset ): # grow GSs n_dupli, n_split = self._grow_gs(params, optimizers, state, step) if self.verbose: print( f"Step {step}: {n_dupli} GSs duplicated, {n_split} GSs split. " f"Now having {len(params['means'])} GSs." ) # prune GSs n_prune = self._prune_gs(params, optimizers, state, step) if self.verbose: print( f"Step {step}: {n_prune} GSs pruned. " f"Now having {len(params['means'])} GSs." ) # reset running stats state["grad2d"].zero_() state["count"].zero_() if self.refine_scale2d_stop_iter > 0: state["radii"].zero_() torch.cuda.empty_cache() if step % self.reset_every == 0: reset_opa( params=params, optimizers=optimizers, state=state, value=self.prune_opa * 2.0, )
def _update_state( self, params: Union[Dict[str, torch.nn.Parameter], torch.nn.ParameterDict], state: Dict[str, Any], info: Dict[str, Any], packed: bool = False, ): for key in [ "width", "height", "n_cameras", "radii", "gaussian_ids", self.key_for_gradient, ]: assert key in info, f"{key} is required but missing." # normalize grads to [-1, 1] screen space if self.absgrad: grads = info[self.key_for_gradient].absgrad.clone() else: grads = info[self.key_for_gradient].grad.clone() grads[..., 0] *= info["width"] / 2.0 * info["n_cameras"] grads[..., 1] *= info["height"] / 2.0 * info["n_cameras"] # initialize state on the first run n_gaussian = len(list(params.values())[0]) if state["grad2d"] is None: state["grad2d"] = torch.zeros(n_gaussian, device=grads.device) if state["count"] is None: state["count"] = torch.zeros(n_gaussian, device=grads.device) if self.refine_scale2d_stop_iter > 0 and state["radii"] is None: assert "radii" in info, "radii is required but missing." state["radii"] = torch.zeros(n_gaussian, device=grads.device) # update the running state if packed: # grads is [nnz, 2] gs_ids = info["gaussian_ids"] # [nnz] radii = info["radii"] # [nnz] else: # grads is [C, N, 2] sel = info["radii"] > 0.0 # [C, N] gs_ids = torch.where(sel)[1] # [nnz] grads = grads[sel] # [nnz, 2] radii = info["radii"][sel] # [nnz] state["grad2d"].index_add_(0, gs_ids, grads.norm(dim=-1)) state["count"].index_add_( 0, gs_ids, torch.ones_like(gs_ids, dtype=torch.float32) ) if self.refine_scale2d_stop_iter > 0: # Should be ideally using scatter max state["radii"][gs_ids] = torch.maximum( state["radii"][gs_ids], # normalize radii to [0, 1] screen space radii / float(max(info["width"], info["height"])), ) @torch.no_grad() def _grow_gs( self, params: Union[Dict[str, torch.nn.Parameter], torch.nn.ParameterDict], optimizers: Dict[str, torch.optim.Optimizer], state: Dict[str, Any], step: int, ) -> Tuple[int, int]: count = state["count"] grads = state["grad2d"] / count.clamp_min(1) device = grads.device is_grad_high = grads > self.grow_grad2d is_small = ( torch.exp(params["scales"]).max(dim=-1).values <= self.grow_scale3d * state["scene_scale"] ) is_dupli = is_grad_high & is_small n_dupli = is_dupli.sum().item() is_large = ~is_small is_split = is_grad_high & is_large if step < self.refine_scale2d_stop_iter: is_split |= state["radii"] > self.grow_scale2d n_split = is_split.sum().item() # first duplicate if n_dupli > 0: duplicate(params=params, optimizers=optimizers, state=state, mask=is_dupli) # new GSs added by duplication will not be split is_split = [ is_split, torch.zeros(n_dupli, dtype=torch.bool, device=device), ] ) # then split if n_split > 0: split( params=params, optimizers=optimizers, state=state, mask=is_split, revised_opacity=self.revised_opacity, ) return n_dupli, n_split @torch.no_grad() def _prune_gs( self, params: Union[Dict[str, torch.nn.Parameter], torch.nn.ParameterDict], optimizers: Dict[str, torch.optim.Optimizer], state: Dict[str, Any], step: int, ) -> int: is_prune = torch.sigmoid(params["opacities"].flatten()) < self.prune_opa if step > self.reset_every: is_too_big = ( torch.exp(params["scales"]).max(dim=-1).values > self.prune_scale3d * state["scene_scale"] ) # The official code also implements sreen-size pruning but # it's actually not being used due to a bug: # # We implement it here for completeness but set `refine_scale2d_stop_iter` # to 0 by default to disable it. if step < self.refine_scale2d_stop_iter: is_too_big |= state["radii"] > self.prune_scale2d is_prune = is_prune | is_too_big n_prune = is_prune.sum().item() if n_prune > 0: remove(params=params, optimizers=optimizers, state=state, mask=is_prune) return n_prune